Yoga for
kids & teens

“A child is born to you to help him face his karma in this life. A child is not your ego; not a pet dog in the house; not a substitute for love. A child has nothing to do with that. A child is born to you so that you can prepare him to face time unto Infinity. “ -The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan—the Power of the Spoken Word

Yoga for kids & teens
(3-17 years old)

Why Yoga for children?

Yoga, is a practice and lifestyle that helps so much physically and psychologically. People worldwide and of all religions practice Yoga. We agree that yoga reduces stress, helps us breathe better, improves our quality of life and contributes to the well-being in all spheres of life (physical, psychological, intellectual and behavioural).

When we think of physical activity for our children, physical and team sports often come first into our mind. Yoga is a very beneficial activity: Yoga is essentially dynamic, light, varied and entertaining. These teachings include different postures (asanas) with themes of animals, therefor a language that is familiar to children. 911 x 317 Stress and anxiety are causes for many ailments and muscle pains, these affect as well children. Children may experience stress in different forms, such as, from educational requirements, fear of failure, competition, and intimidation …

Undoubted benefits of yoga for children

Studies by various universities in the world have shown that yoga improves student behaviour, physical health and school performance, as well as their behaviour towards themselves.
Children are more flexible and agile than adults, the earlier they begin practicing yoga, the greater the benefits stay with them.
In addition to the many physical benefits as flexibility, balance, agility, coordination, movement and muscle building. Through yoga the child becomes:

  • Aware of each part of the body and in space.
  • Successfully channelling their energy positively and cultivating their sense of belonging.
  • Learning effective breathing techniques that will help to manage stress.
  • Develop concentration, so the child is more receptive to learning.
  • Live relaxation, manage better emotions, feelings and stress.
  • Accelerating the development of the full potential of children.
  • Develop Self-confidence.

Yoga offers a competition-free environment for children, so to say, without winners or losers. This is a perfect complementary to other activities for children. Yoga can be practiced by everybody, requires little or no equipment and it’s the participation that counts, regardless of the level of the child. It is important not to oversee the moment of relaxation that yoga offers which is a beautiful teaching for growing children!

Yoga for children is a healthy body, stable emotions and a powerful brain to better learning at all levels!

Mindfulness teens & kids

We are offering Mindfulness classes for children Aged 5 – 19
Learn to surf the waves, as you cannot stop them!

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the natural ability to be consciously attentive and present in the moment:

  • Awareness of the sun on your skin, the wind in your hair, the irritation of fatigue in your body and all the other things you can observe in the inner and outer world.
  • Observing feelings, thoughts and physical signals as soon as they appear and for as long as they last. Staying with whatever there is, or by totally letting go, you will discover your inner world. Learning to be OK with what there is and also coping better with the outside world. Less reactive and calmer! Present, kind and curious. Without judging. In each unique moment. NOW.

Careen is a qualified teacher of the method by Eline Snel, The International Academy for Mindful Teaching (AMT), for more information please click here

Mindfulness is not Buddhist nor religious

How to use this method?
You can do it at home, at school, or anywhere, children learn to sit still like a frog. Dealing with “storms or agitations” in their inner world, they learn to calm down.

Beginning with:

  • Being aware of your experiences (the process of breathing, feelings, thoughts), in a friendly way, without judging;
  • Responding consciously to what you experience.

Why Mindfulness for children?

Like adults, children are often too busy. They cannot sleep, are easily distracted and often restless. They have a head full of anxious thoughts. The “on button” works, but where is the “off button”?
By exposing children to mindfulness from a young age, they learn to observe and concentrate better, to be in touch with their bodies, and to relax.


  • A calm mind and body improve concentration and learning performance. Children are no longer weighed down with problems, but find solutions. Their self-confidence and resilience increase; their sense of failure decreases.
  • Children deal with qualities such as ‘compassion’, ‘patience’ and ‘letting go of things you cannot change’. In this way, they learn to cope with short-and long-term stress; they become kinder and less disruptive.

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